Key Features

Disease Focused In Hematology/Oncology
We specialize in the design and conduct of hematology and oncology studies.
Our goal is to optimize the utility, efficacy and outcomes of drugs, diagnostics and the overall patient experience.

Prioritize Community Investigator/Sites
Our strategic focus is on world-class community oncology sites and investigators that care for more than 80% of all cancer patient in the US.
We are aware of the unique needs of the community investigators / sites and have developed programs and processes to accommodate with a personalized approach.

Focused On Operational Efficiency
We employ site engagement processes that use a well-organized ‘hands on’ model with dedicated, consistent staff assigned to each trial and site.
We tailor our operations to streamline the clinical trial activation and management process to eliminate the burdensome steps commonly seen with conventional CROs leading to an enhanced customer experience.
Program Features

Treatment Optimization
Developing existing cancer treatment regimens in addition to novel promising drugs leading to improved patient outcomes

Drug Accessibilty
Providing community clinicians and patients with access to novel agents in development that are usually reserved for investigation by academic institutions.

Accelerating Care
Advancing the development and adoption of life-altering therapies, thereby providing new options that can extend survival and improve quality of life for patients living with cancer.

ONCOtherapeutics Collection and Archiving Program to Support Research Endeavors
+ Retrospective
Collaboration with GLP compliant biobank with thousands of characterized human samples
Learn more about ONCOtracker biospecimens here
+ Prospective
Master sample collection protocol to accommodate a multitude of different disease and tumor types
Simplify & Streamline Your Next Protocol
Drug companies large and small rely on us for new sites and investigators to speed their drug entry to market. Our clinical-study and clinical-trial support can connect you with those companies, providing quality, value-based treatment paths for every patient case.